Our Préime DermaFacial offers customers the chance to feel and look refreshed and glowy, with treatments customized to individual needs. As Sinclar explains: “The Préime DermaFacial is a smart device with integrated IoT (Internet of Things) technology engineered to guarantee consistent results and customer satisfaction. By supplying aesthetic practitioners with real data, our cutting-edge equipment delivers a completely novel approach to carrying out treatments. This empowers users to understand, review and constantly enhance their own techniques and practice.”
This facial addresses customers’ five main concerns:
– Hydration: help replenish skin’s moisture deep-cleanse, and exfoliate;
– Dehydrated: skin that is dull and thirsty complexion, and may show signs of flaking;
– Sensitive: skin prone to redness, rosacea, inflammation, or reactions;
– Pigmented: skin showing signs of uneven tone or pigmentation;
– Congested: skin showing signs of buildup, enlarged pores and impurities; and,
– Aging: skin showing signs of maturity.
AquaB: Uses a combination of vacuum suction, spiral eddy movements, and concentrated solutions to deeply cleanse, exfoliate, uplift, and help hydrate the skin. Perfect for those who experience dry, dehydrated, dull skin and want to feel refreshed and glowy.
VibroX: Uses a combination of vibration, red LED light, CO2 microdermabrasion and specifically formulated gel to stimulate oxygenation below the skin’s surface. Perfect for clients who experience texture and uneven skin tone. This hand piece can involve microdermabrasion to gently slough off dead skin and debris off the surface of the skin.
MicroT: Uses microcurrent to help tone and firm muscles. Perfect for clients who have an upcoming event or have visible sagging and dull skin. This can help uplift the face revealing a youthful appearance.
Collagen+: Uses radio frequency (RF) to heat up the deeper layer of skin. This heat helps stimulate the production of collagen. Perfect for all clients who want to slow the process of aging and bring out your skin’s natural glow and luminance.
UltraB: Uses ultrasound waves to increase permeability of the skin. This is for product penetration helping serums full of nutrients and hydration hit the deeper layers in the skin, ultimately revealing soft, bouncy, youthful skin.